Raquel S. - quite unique person

Nicht jeden Tag finden wir ein Unikum und Sonnenschein wie Raquel S.

Raquel ist jetzt neu in unserer Agentur 1A Management :
Her wish in Berlin is to be successful in her life and her job.
She is wonderful, marvelous and comes directly from United Kingdom…
Very positive, outgoing, quite unique person – like she says, she is a little bit amazing
Raquel is soul funk singer and her influence range is Diana Ross, Dionne Warwick, Erykah Badu, Amy Winehouse

She loves to sing. Standing on the stage makes her feel free and liberated.
All she wants, is to give people what they want to hear and make them happy.
Also she loves to stand in front of the camera, where she can talk, and talk, and talk…

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