Sophie W. - Half unicorn and half gremlin...

Sophie is a meditation teacher, artist manager and managed her own gallery for a while.
She accidentally slipped into the art scene and out of it also by coincidence by a business trip back out.
On this business trip she got to know and love the meditation.
Since then she had led a yoga space with a colleague over a period of time, and it is her passion to share her enthusiasm for meditation and mindfulness with others, helping them to be at peace with themselves and their lives.
Sophie has set herself the goal, to bring the meditation closer to people, especially to the people which are exposed by their profession, for example in the business.
In this department is much stress and therefore more prone to suffer from burnout or sleep disorders.
She wants them to get to know their inner half of a unicorn and a gremlin and helps the people to accept and love both sides of their characters.
While her free time, Sophie likes to make costumes, especially dragon costumes.
She takes them to different festivals around the world to have a great time and enjoy her life.